Lesson 11 · Code Base Motor With A While Loop

Suggested Time: 30-60 minutes

Lesson Plan

Lesson Overview

  • While loop, condition, variable
  • How to make your code loop any number of times
  • Using a while loop to change the angle of the servo motor
  • Make your servo motor move like the second hand of a clock

Tutorial Video

Sample Code

#include <Servo.h>

//- servos move half a circle 0-180 degrees.
Servo baseMotor;

//- runs only once when you turn on
void setup() {

//- runs forever in a loop after setup
void loop() {
  int counter = 0;
  int angle = 0;
  //- move from 0 to 180
  while (angle <= 180) {
    //-do this code
    angle = angle + 6;
  //- move from 180 to 0
  angle = 180;
  while (angle >= 0) {
    angle = angle - 6;
  while (1==1) {
    //-do nothing


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